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Organization Application


Here is what you need to know to apply to be an official Campus Organization:


Student Senate and the Office of Student Involvement strive to make Ohio Northern’s Campus an academically, physically, and socially thriving environment for all students. There are currently over 200 student organizations on campus. Groups are formed with a variety of purposes ranging from professional and honoraries to social, service, athletic and religious organizations. In order to continue recognition, all organizations must have a faculty/staff advisor  submit the organization’s roster each semester, and submit the organization’s constitution and bylaws every 2 years.


We welcome the idea of new organizations on campus and do our best to ensure that the process of beginning an organization is efficient for all students. Students may begin by creating the constitution and bylaws that adhere to the examples listed and filling out the application seen below. Once received, the Student Organizations Committee from Student Senate will review the constitution and bylaws. If no changes are suggested, the group’s representative will be brought before the General Assembly. The representative will explain their potential organization, why it deserves a place on our campus, possible events to be held, and answer questions from Student Senate members and the Advisor. Once approved, the constitution and bylaws will be reviewed by the University Student Activities Committee for final approval. As an approved organization on campus the group will be enabled to reserve rooms on campus, request and receive funding from Student Senate, and use the Ohio Northern name and logos. 


For questions, please contact our Secretary of Student Organizations at



Submit your Proposal and Documentation to be an organization HERE.


The Student Organization Recognition Packet can be found HERE

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